How To Use Garam Masala

Fundamentally the word masala means “spices,” and garam means “hot.” Garam masala is a composition of spices in a way that brings out the taste of your dish delicious. Mostly the blend of spices is in powdered form,  gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian, still, you should check the label for garam masala paste to see what is included.

How Much To Use

The first rule for using garam add a small amount of spice at a time. Some people find garam masala irresistible, and it’s very easy to tote up too much. Don’t overdo it when you’re just starting with the spice. Begin with adding half a teaspoon (2.84 g) to dishes to get a taste for the spice and decide if you like it. If you still want it a little more spicy, add half a teaspoon (2.84 g) at a time. Make small servings first rather than mixing garam masala into an entire meal, start by making smaller dishes and portions. By doing this, if you don’t like the taste of the spice, you haven’t wasted a lot of food.

How To Store

Stock the spice in an airtight jar to maintain flavor. Garam masala drops its flavor over time if it’s exposed to air. Keep your Garam sealed in an airtight jar to prevent it from losing flavor over time. Keep the jar in a cupboard far from sunlight for good results. Do not stock Garam Masala as they loose aroma and their quality with time.

How to Get Best Of It

Use your garam masala as a finishing spice, unlike other spice mixes that you add prior to the cooking process, garam masala is typically added at the end of the cooking process. Certainly, this rule is not written in stone. You can add it at any point when cooking a dish, including at margination or dry rub. Even when you use it at the starting of cooking, you should sprinkle on some more at the end to give the dish an infusion of flavor. You can easily add the final dash right at the table.

Masala Too Much Garam ? How To Balance

If you have overdone this seasoning blend, the strong spices it contains can easily make a dish too spicy to be consumed. But, don’t worry. You have some other options. Consider the following tips to fix the situation and possibly improve your dinner.

Make More

Without compromising the recipe’s goodness, you can dilute any unwanted flavor in a dish by easily making another batch without offending the ingredients and adding it to the first batch. This reduces the concentration of the ingredients. This method will save you from throwing everything out.

Add Acids

One great way to defuse a strong flavor is to layer with another flavor. An acidic ingredient can lift the taste of spice blend, Garam Masala. You can try our authentic Amchur Powder or Mint Powder. Instead, you can also try lime juice.

Sweeten It

Garam masala will make your food sour if you use an excess of it.

This may be the result of the cumin, cardamom, and other pungent spices that most blends contain more sourness. The best method to deal with a bitter flavour in any food is simply placing sweetener on it.  This can be done by adding a teaspoon of sugar or you can get more creative with a little jaggery or honey. Your dish will still be spiced but it should also be more palatable.

Dairy Products

This can be as “Ramban,” if nothing works, this will definitely.  If you have added too much of any spice or spice mix, you can neutralize some of the off-tastes that come from too much of a spice. In other words, it provides you a chance to eliminate the problem and not getting caught. Dairy products like yogurt and milk will resolve this problem very easily.

Coconut Milk

Since coconut milk is popular in South Indian cuisine. Coconut milk will provide you many of the benefits of dairy without using actual dairy. It can chill out spicy or bitter flavour notes without disturbing the overall flavor profile of the dish and it’s vegan too.