Importance of Spices in our Life

Importance of spices in our life

Spices are an essential component of human life. Seeds, roots, fruit barks, and other plant substances are used as seasoning. Spices are used to flavor and color food. Spices are widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Spices are also high in antioxidants, heart protection, fitness regeneration, anti-inflammation, and have a variety of health benefits.

Spices from all over the world have their own distinct essence, flavoring color, and aroma. Turmeric fingers, cumin, coriander, black-white pepper, fennel, and mustard are all popular spices used around the world. Classic Indian home-cooked food is often thought to be one of the healthiest foods consumed around the world due to its abundance of spices.


ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance and Capacity, and it refers to the various technologies used to determine the overall antioxidant capacity of foods eaten by humans. The lower the number of free radicals that cause damage and the higher the antioxidant potential of the food item, the higher the ORAC score. According to the study, humans ingest about 3000 to 5000 antioxidants every day. Additional dosages of ORAC are excreted by kidneys.

According to research, the blood’s oxygen-carrying ability can be increased or improved simply by consuming spices, citrus, herbs, and vegetables with high ORAC values. ORAC-rich spices could also help improve immunity. Furthermore, spices with high ORAC values can be more effective than any vaccine.

According to a study, the ORAC value of clove is 314,446, the ORAC value of cinnamon is 267,537, the ORAC value of turmeric is 102,700, the ORAC value of onion powder is 5735, the ORAC value of paprika is 22500, the ORAC value of chocolate is 80,933, the ORAC value of cumin is 76,800, the ORAC value of parsley is 74,349, the ORAC value of tulsi 67,553.

Importance of Spice in Cooking

Spices are important in both cooking and medicine. They improve the natural flavor of cuisines and can be used to adjust the appearance of food and make it more pleasing in color. Some of them grow wild and are an excellent source of food preservatives, especially in industrially processed foods.

Spices enhance the natural flavor of foods. They were extremely significant in ancient times, and we cannot live without them today. They are available in a variety of flavors and aromas. They are essentially food enhancers that are used to give foods a distinct flavor and aroma. To make tea, some spices are boiled in sugar.

Curry is the most well-known food made with a variety of spices. Curry is a spice that is commonly used to season dairy and poultry products. Ginger, turmeric, fennel, cumin, fenugreek, coriander, and nutmeg are among the curry’s main ingredients. It adds flavor to meats, seafood, vegetables, and soups.